Stressing, stressing and more stressing....

My boy uses the toilet independently...... almost! He still needs assistance and at this stage we are taking turns to clean up (if you catch my drift!). Sometime during the last few days I noticed him wince when it was my turn to wipe him. I thought it was a bit odd, but I let it go and put it down to me wiping too hard. Roll onto bath time that night and he was resistant to me washing him down there!  Anyway, with a little bit of gentle encouragement I went to wash him, however, as I moved my hand over his bum I got the fright of my life. He had a lump, an extremely large firm lump!

After my initial panic, I came to the conclusion that my boy has a hemorrhoid. So, off I went to the Pharmacy to buy some ointment and also some magic powder to help ease any constipation (his diet has changed over the last two weeks!). The boy has been incredible in that he willingly lets me apply the ointment. He also watches me sprinkle the powder into his breakfast cereal and will eat without any fuss. 

This has been going on for a few days, however, I haven't noticed any improvement with the lump. In fact the lump is exactly the same. Now I am stressing........ the worst case scenario keeps flashing through my mind, which of course is ridiculous!!!! I know that I need to make a Doctor's appointment for him. I know that the Doctor is going to need to take a look. Oh boy, not too sure what to do about that one ~ will cross that bridge when we get to it!

What is really choking me up is the fact that my child is so vulnerable. His innocence and naivety break my heart. 
Why? Because he needs me. 
Why? Because if anything were to happen to him, it would kill me.......


  1. I totally get this about their vulnerability, i worry about that so much with my special girl. I'm sure your boy will be fine, and im just wondering if the lump could be bad constipation? My dd's last bad bout was diagnosed by x ray and it certainly showed up as a lump, but she is quite plump so it would be difficult to feel it xx

  2. Oh Di,
    You know how with you I am on these matters.
    As much as I dislike them, can I suggest you try a few days of Movicol/Miralax (PEG 3350 is the active ingredient). They are osmotic laxatives. relatively tasteless, and they will clear him out, which will have to happen. You are aiming for consistency waaaay softer than you might think.
    Good luck!

  3. @Blue Sky ~ I have a feeling that we are going to be worrying forever!!! I took a look at the lump and I wish it was bad constipation! xx

    @Valerie ~ Yes, I know! Thanks for the suggestion, Movical is our magic powder! :)

    @Nicole ~ back at you x

    Thank you for your comments...

  4. I have a boy with aspergers, who is now 21. I emphasise with you. I used to joke that if its possible I am all worried out. I feel I have worried enough for more than one if not two (or more) lifetimes. Do yourself a favour, whenever you are worried go to the doctor asap because it will stop the worrying. You need to look after yourself too Di. I had a friend who's kid had such bad constipation that her spine was pushed out of place. It didnt cause long term problems, but once the doctor put the parents at ease and sorted out the constipation they felt much better. I am new to the blog. All the best

    1. Hello Anonymous! ;)
      So delighted to connect with a parent of an older boy! You are absolutely right, I must get him to the Doctor. It's a public holiday today so can't do anything about it until tomorrow! Thank you for your comment.

  5. Gut issues are a major problem for many of our kids who tend to have one extreme or the other. Pamela had the other when she was young. It was a nightmare: we are talking, dripping down the leg bad. When she was six, we put her on a gf/cf diet AND treated her candida aggressively. Her stools normalized and have been that way ever since.

  6. OMG sending you so many many positive thoughts - there are glands that can get blocked
    Please update as soon as you get back from the doctor

  7. @bookworm ~ I am glad to hear that the diet etc worked well for Pamela. Nick hasn't had any gut issues until now (well, none that I am aware of!!). His diet has changed over the last two weeks which has exacerbated the situation. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

    @Floortime Lite Mama ~ Thank you for the positive thoughts. I will certain post an update. x

  8. Oh, how I know the feeling. As you know - my boy was severely constipated for over three years - and yes, at the end we tried Movicol - truely magic powder... :o)
    Go to the doctor - maybe first alone and afterward with Nick, after you talk to the doctor... I know...I'm wise when is not Patrik in question... but I believe your Nick is much older than Patrik and he might understand that doctor there is only for help.
    Let us know the result...

    1. Hi Petra, I know that you know! :) Doctor appointment booked for Friday afternoon!!!!

  9. darling will look forward eagerly to hear from you on Friday - I really feel strongly that its a blocked gland- Someone I know had to have minor surgery for it - but they told me that since the surgery they finally stopped having haemmoroids ( sorry TMI )

  10. Oh Di, I can appreciate your concern. It's very difficult especially when you're boy can't tell you what's wrong. Definitely get him to the Doctor. My boy had chronic constipation 2 Christmasses ago which necessitated a midnight run to the A & E. Talk about feeling like a bad mum! He's been on Movicol ever since. Constipation needs to be dealt with hon. Best of luck! make sure he drinks lots, especially water.

    xx Jazzy

    1. Hi Jazzy, hope that your holiday was a good one! :)
      Good ol' Movicol, it seems to be a worldwide product! Your poor boy, it must have been horrific if you had to take him to the hospital. Is it ok to continue taking Movicol long term? No need to reply... I will ask my Dr when I see him tomorrow! Thanks for your comment. x

  11. *Update*
    Nick was a star and let the Dr take a look!!! He has a Thrombosed External Pile! Unfortunately, Nick has stopped eating vegetables, lentils and mince.... and he only drinks a cup of watered down juice a day, hence the problem! We have muti (medication!) and cream to apply. Apparently it should be all better in a couple of weeks!
    I am no longer imagining the worst case scenario!!!!
    Now I am just going to stress about his terrible diet! :-)

  12. I hear you on the stressing, stressing and more stressing!
    My little monkey used to eat anything as a baby (and I mean ANYTHING - he was so chubby I'm convinced he was at risk of popping out of his skin!) - so imagine my surprise when he turned 2 and refused to any fruit or vegetables. I've resorted to hiding veggies in meals and putting pureed fruit in his cereal. He's also not a big drinker - so have to coax him with half water/half juice sweetened with a bit of xylitol to make it taste as sweet as pure juice! This works better than plain water at least.
    Good luck :)

    1. Hi Karen, Nick also doesn't drink much! Aha, pureed fruit in the cereal, that's a good one! Thanks for your comment! x


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