Food issues!

The beauty of having your own blog is that you can write what you like, when you like!!  I have been mulling over my next post on Communication (part two) but the subject hasn't really grabbed me this week.  I was starting to worry that I was getting 'writers block' hahaha!!!  Anyway, for the past few days I have been feeling out of sorts and couldn't figure out why - until I woke up on Monday morning with the realisation that Nick's food issues are really driving me quietly insane.   I am sure that Nick wouldn't care if he ate cereal and apples for every meal,  but for me this is a huge concern.

Nick has always been a picky eater and this can be contributed to sensory issues, low tone, the need for sameness, the lack of confidence in trying new textures and tastes and of course the 'control issue'  (I promise that I have never force fed him, therefore, he shouldn't have built up a store of negative memories!).

I took myself off to the Hypermarket on Monday morning to do my BIG shop (very boring - I really must get the hang of this on-line grocery shopping!).  Whilst trawling the isles I was trying to think of anything that Nick may be interested in eating and I came up with............. strawberry yoghurt!  He used to eat this many moons ago, in fact he was extremely capable of taking a pot out of the fridge, peeling off the lid, munching away to his heart's delight and then putting the pot (and spoon!!) in the rubbish bin!  OK, I don't think this particular brand of strawberry yoghurt is particularly healthy but if I can introduce an old favourite then I can think about other options at a later stage :)

Day One
Wish I had videoed this one!!  I told Nick about the strawberry yoghurt, although I waited for him to finish  his lunch before bringing it out.  His body language/non verbal language and signing was very definite, as in NO, NO, NO, get that horrible stuff away from me!  However, with a little gentle encouragement he took two tiny spoonfuls...... and then escaped! 

Day Two
The video speaks for itself!  

Day Three
I placed the yoghurt on the table so that Nick could see it as he ate his lunch! He wasn't upset that it was there, although he did glance at it rather a lot! I also let him play his music during both the previous video clip and this one (I think we both needed something to ease the stress!).  

Life can be so tough for this boy of mine and I have found that if I take the time to guide him gently..... and stretch him just a little bit past his level of competence then he does progress. Looks like I can now add strawberry yoghurt to the menu (fingers crossed!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. I love how Nick was so adamant in his communication about NOT wanting yogurt. Even a caveman would have understood him! :-) I was in suspense wondering if he were going to take a bite.

    I like how you use different strategies and invite him rather than coerce.


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